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cruel world

美 [ˈkruːəl wɜːrld]英 [ˈkruːəl wɜːld]
  • 网络残酷的世界;残酷世界;残忍的世界
cruel worldcruel world
  1. I wouldn 't want to bring a child into this cruel world .


  2. In this realistic and cruel world , everyone is playing different roles .


  3. I can 't get along with that a cruel world .


  4. Having a soft heart in a cruel world


  5. They don 't have the ability to survive in this cruel world .


  6. I find it a cruel world .


  7. There is no justice in this cruel world .


  8. Gatsby lived for one goal , only to be betrayed by the cruel world , and buried with his disillusioned green dream .


  9. In order to survive and develop in the cruel world , the enterprises need to not only improve their manufacturing technology , but also take full advantage of the information technology to enhance their competitive capability .


  10. One long-time tech observer says Silicon Valley 's creative destruction will lead to a cruel world for many " throw-away citizens " in the US and Europe who cannot adapt .


  11. Caught up in a current of tradition that threatens to sweep her toward a terrifying fate , Koly finds herself cast out , lost in a strange and cruel world .


  12. Through the comprehensive analysis of characters , the reality of " cruel world " in the late Ming Dynasty was revealed , the suppressed human nature was exposed and the concern of " humanity " was embodied .


  13. In nowadays cruel competition world , with the process of the economic globalization , the opportunity and challenge coexist , enterprises , in order to survive , develop , defeat the rival , must grasp the future .


  14. And , instead of just showing audiences what gangsterdom is like , Monga digs deeper into how meanings of loyalty , friendship and brotherhood shift for the five young gangsters , as they come to see how cruel the world can be .


  15. So you too think one must be cruel in this world .


  16. The structure adjustment of US steel industry is introduced in the background of cruel struggle in world steel market .


  17. They exist to assist those caught in the conflicts of a cruel , violent world .


  18. Love and Death : Patterns of Desires in YU Hua s Brothers (ⅰ) Cruel and Cold World ;


  19. The man does not mind loyally , only loyal because the chip betrayed is too low , this one is in a cruel and realistic world , do not mind whose change it is !


  20. Brutal weather ; northern winters can be cruel ; a cruel world ; a harsh climate ; a rigorous climate ; unkind winters .
